The Fate Of She Who Lost Herself

She got drunk on the feeling of power, she did

When she commanded every gaze, every thought in a room

And she forgot herself

And then The Devil whispered

But, greed you see is infinite

What more do you need, when you have all that?

But all of that would not suffice

To one drunk on power, and drowning still

So she lost the truth

And thought herself master

But all she was is a slave to power

How sad a state it was!

For she could not recognise

That she was willing to steal

The beauty of another’s soul

All for the sake of her power

The power that vanity begets

Should you not protect yourself

So, should you not stop your tracks in time

You shall surely share her fate

The fate of the one who forgot herself

Who Lost her senses to power.

They say men do wrong

So they do, indeed

But women are not any lesser you see

Both are equally

Susceptible to the tune of power

That the Devil plays

But mind you, evil is evil

Though all traps are not the same.

So, protect yourself, my friend

For it is so hard

To pay the price

For what it was not worth.

(Inspired by Surah Yusuf, Al-Qura’an)


My prophet, peace be upon him, said

Let believers be

A mirror for one another

And pondering it over

I now see

The wisdom of those words

For a mirror shows one

Who they are

Mistakes, imperceptions, flaws and all

But they merely reflect

Until you can see yourself

For what your true self is

So you can try your hardest

Never to be torn apart from the truth within

No matter how hard the pull

But, then again

One made-up, shall appear to be so

With only his front reflected

And it would lack all truth

By God, let it not be so!

With you or me

And let us each be

A mirror of truth

A help to perfect each other

And in it find our peace.